House number are most certainly functional, for one they help others to identify your home for visits, deliveries, emergencies, etc. You want your house number to be looking its best!

In this guide, we will help you to easily install your house number in the most inexpensive way.

Before we proceed, do you happen to be somebody who hasn’t bought their house number yet, and has no idea where to buy durable and luxurious house numbers from? At Ironmongery Experts we stock a wide selection of door numerals and letters in various fonts and finishes for you to choose from.

Materials needed:

  • Your door number (we’d recommend our popular From the Anvil door numerals if you’re looking for long-lasting and luxurious house numbers)
  • Tape measure
  • Pencil
  • Drill
  • Screwdriver


Firstly, you will need to mark the position on your door with a pencil. You can fit the house number anywhere you desire, but it is standard to fit it in the centre of the door (halfway between the lock and the top of the door). For better accuracy, it is recommended to measure the distance between the lock and the top of the door; your tape measure is useful for this.

After finding the halfway point, mark it, then find the horizontal centre point of the door and mark it with a pencil where the two points cross.

After making the mark, hold the house number in position to the right of the pencil mark and mark again with the pencil through the screw holes.

Now, you will need to find a (preferably) narrow drill bit that matches the width of the screws to attach to your drill.


Take the drill and proceed to drill a hole in each of the screw hole pencil marks, while holding the numbers in position for accurate and easier drilling.

Once you are happy with the screw holes you’ve drilled, insert the screws into each hole. Then take your screwdriver and securely screw each of the screws into position.

Finally, pat yourself on the back for your hard work and you’re done!

We hope you enjoyed this guide from Ironmongery Experts and have found it useful. If you have an enquiry regarding any of our ironmongery products or have any questions, feel free to give our team a call on 01376 557 561. Alternatively, you contact us at



At Ironmongery Experts we strongly advise that you always take safety precautions into consideration when undertaking a DIY project. We also strongly suggest that you closely read and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of any building materials, products or tools you use for your projects.

We try our best to provide clear and correct instructions within our articles, so you can easily complete any DIY project you desire. However, please note that the information we provide should only be used as a guideline and that some information within the text may not be entirely accurate.

When using our articles for information and advice, please note that is your own responsibility to determine your capabilities when undertaking and executing the task you wish to complete.

Before starting a DIY task, we strongly recommend that you educate yourself of any existing building, gas, water and electrical works regulations. We believe it is in your best interest to complete further research and/or contact the necessary professional body should you have any further concerns.

We also strongly recommend that a qualified tradesperson completes the relevant safety tests and checks on any DIY you have completed.